Tuesday 12 June 2012

IIMs, ISBs - Janambhoomi of ‘mythical’ legends  

Although MBA is something that occupies a lot of bytes in my mind space; however, it never struck to me until today that it could be a matter to write about here. Having a branded diploma in MBA/PGDBA/PGDM (there must be more nomenclatures that I can speak off the cough) for sure assures a large sum of money and with it certain imagery among coworkers and those who are aware of the stamp on your back.

In my previous companies I never had MBAs from aspiring league so I had not much knowledge of how well received they are in real world. Of course, a sense of awe, the wow factor was always there for such colleges. Whereas my current organization is full of IITians, IIMs, ISBs, and some have in their immediate families Oxfords and Harvards of the world.  Yes, you have thought it right; I at times find myself out of place and dwarf among such giant figures.

But this is not the case that got me into writing this post. I am trying to look at it from brand perspective. How what we wear, where we eat, what we drive, where we live can create an impression among people, similarly where we have studied also creates imagery. Not just that, here I would like to stress that the former aspects are unwrapped gradually whereas having a stamp from an aspiring league spreads like fire in forest. There is sudden recognition, buzz around the workplace that such and such person from such and such institution has joined at such and such position at such and such package.

Mind you! It does not necessarily end here. Seldom people like to test your ability or to show you down. In all likelihood your intelligence is taken for granted and if you performed reasonably well, your co-colleagues will do the rest. How you are spoken about goes something like this – “Huh! he/she is from ISB/IIM; ought to be good. There acumen is very sharp; too good at grasping. I am sure one year of rigorous course has done this to him/her. Lucky him/her – ISB, IIM! Different league altogether you know!”

I hope I am not exaggerating but it gives a birth to LEGEND in you. As you move out of the brand factory, a mythical legend is already born in you then whether you actually end up doing something exceptional in your work life is beside the point. In whatever little I have seen of corporate, name of the college you come from is not just printed in your CV but also on the others lips. It is more like Chinese whispers – spreads from one to another.

I am not averse to the idea of MBA or related courses. I am sure they must do world of good in your understanding and overall personality. Yes, I am quite surprised at the fringe benefits that you get as dividend to hefty one time fees that you pay. It is largely to do with our society I believe which is so stuck up on names and titles that it does not let anyone get of the pedestal and recognize raw talent.

Either you get ready to take chances and stick to your guns for indefinite period to prove your mettle in corporate world or take a short but expensive route to have others salute you or, should I say, your label.

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